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Whole House video and HDTV Distribution


     Technology is moving forward every day and the  addition of flat panel screens entering the domestic market has created a market for home cinema applications. Homeowners are purchasing large wide screens capable of displaying high definition signals from satellite boxes and DVD players. The
move from analogue to digital television providesopportunities for multi-
room audio and video

Now imagine being able to view any DVD, Satellite decoder or free to air
digital box anywhere in the home. Scion Technology has developed products
to take this even further by giving each room access to infra-
red control. This
enables full IR control of all devices in any room.

The technology designed into the kotech  systems allow you to use the infrared handsets that come with the relative equipment and from anywhere in the home,
the system will pass those IR commands back to the DVD players and satellite boxes. For example you could be watching a DVD from your living room, put  the
DVD on pause, retire to your bedroom and press play to finish watching the DVD.

The KOtech systems also include management software, which allows Parent or installer to set the system up so that viewing certain channels/programs may be
barred either permanently or for set times.

KOtech has also tried to think ahead as the systems also come with management software, this allows a parent or installer to set the system up so certain
devices/channels can not be viewed by the children.


CAT5/5e/6 Television Distribution (matrix solutions)