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Home > Home Automation Systems > Home Automation Inc.(HAI)
Home Automation concepts for HAI

HAI Will Make Your Dreams of an Automated Home Come to Life

HAI offers complete integrated home solutions for every lifestyle and budget with a full range of automation products.

HAI products may be installed in new construction or retrofitted into existing homes. Wireless options are available.

HAI products are designed to be integrated with an HAI Omni or Lumina home control system; however, many HAI products will work stand-alone (work without an HAI home control system) .


How Home Control Works
Because your Omni or Lumina home automation system is monitoring your home’s systems it can be set up to take one or more actions when certain events occur. With the proper product mix, such actions include the following:
  • Change a setting, like the cooling checkpoint, on a system that the home automation system controls. 

  • Send e-mail notifications 

  • Send text message notifications 

  • Make voice announcements over the speakers in the house 

  • Call up to 8 different numbers to provide notification 

  • Post a reminder message, such as Garbage Night, on every Touchscreens that stays up until it is acknowledged. 

Events that can be used by the system to takes actions include the following:
  • Any change in status in a monitored home system
    • Arm or disarm your security system
    • A motion detector is tripped
    • The temperature at the thermostat changes
    • Lights are turned on or off
    • Audio system is turned on or off

  • Set schedule of days and times. For example, the landscape lights can be turned automatically at dusk and turned off automatically at 10:00 PM.


Sub Categories In This Category
Energy Managment
Entertainment Overview
HAI Convenient Interfaces
Lighting control 220Volts